Finding Answers…Finding Joy! (Part 1)

 So many things have happened since I was last on here. Wow. Has it really been a year since I started this blog? At least that’s what WordPress tells me. It doesn’t seem like that long. I apologize to those who were waiting for the next post, but I have been having so much writer’s block,Continue reading “Finding Answers…Finding Joy! (Part 1)”

To Ask or Not To Ask? (What to say or not to say to those who’ve been through a Stillbirth or Baby Loss)…

This in particular has been on my heart to share. There are so many hurting hearts out there who have lost sweet children. These are just from my own experience, that I want to share with you, that you might be a shinning light to someone who you may know personally who is hurting. WeContinue reading “To Ask or Not To Ask? (What to say or not to say to those who’ve been through a Stillbirth or Baby Loss)…”